Our signature custom-made orthotics, aka Every Foot and Ankle’s Secret Weapon, are medical shoe inserts that support and gently reposition the heel, arch, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and bones in the feet. Orthotics enable the structures in the foot to work together as nature intended, making each step pain-free. Unlike over-the-counter shoe inserts, custom-made orthotics are created from non-weight-bearing molds of your feet. These devices are designed to meet your specific needs. These devices are typically made with comfortable materials that are very durable, and they can be designed to fit in any type of shoe.

In addition to relieving pain and reducing inflammation, custom orthotics help control the alignment and function of the foot. This helps treat and prevent injuries caused by sharp or excessive movement during physical activity. Custom orthotics also help make activities like running and walking more efficient by improving the foot's structure.

How do I know if I am a candidate for custom orthotics (AKA The Secret Weapon)?

Most of the patients who we design custom orthotics for are:

- Those whose livelihood and or passion rely on using their lower body, starting with their feet

- People with foot conditions and frequent or infrequent lower body pain at any age.

Examples: Athletes (of all ages), Teachers, Police Officers, Construction Workers, First Responders, Dancers, Golfers, to name a few.

How will they help me?

Those who have our custom orthotics have boasted:

- Less pain in the back, hips, knees, legs, ankles,  and feet

- Reduced inflammation

- Better posture & stability

- Higher overall comfort levels after being on their feet for an extended period

- Treatment and prevention of injuries caused by sharp or excessive movement during physical activity

- Increased performance & confidence

- Reduced downtime caused by unnecessary pain or injury

- Research shows that using custom orthotics in many cases reduces the amount (and cost) of unnecessary medical procedures due to avoidable injuries

How do they work?

Here’s a comparison that we use. Think about how eyeglasses and contact lenses work to correct the eye. They accommodate the deformity through a correction via the lens.

The orthotic is a device used to correct the foot and body posture through the molded impression and the insert that is made to fit into your shoe.

How does the process work?

1.  During your initial visit you will undergo a complete and extensive examination while you are standing, walking, running, or playing your favorite sport.

2.  Your doctor will take extensive measurements, and x-rays of your foot and ankle, and make plaster molds of your feet to send to our laboratory which will make the final product. 

3.  We will schedule a follow-up appointment to check your orthotics, make sure that they fit, and are working properly, and then go over any questions that you might have.

We hope that you will join us and become part of the Dr. Lee S. Cohen and Associates community.  We love making new friends.  As a new patient, you will receive our newsletters and updates, appointment reminders, and are invited to join us on social media. As a welcome to our family, during your first visit, you’ll also receive one of our signature T-shirts and a drawstring gym bag. 

I’m interested, how do I get started?

To learn more about how custom orthotics can help you reach and achieve your goals, and improve your activity so that you can do more of what you love with more confidence and less pain visit our website and schedule your comprehensive biomechanical evaluation today or call our Sports Medicine Podiatry Center and book an appointment at either our Cherry Hill, N.J. Sports Medicine Podiatry Center or Ridley Park, P.A. office location with one of our podiatric sports medicine podiatrists today at (610) 522-9200.
